On Sunday, October 25, Reformation Sunday, Pastor Michelle will lead online Holy Communion. To prepare to participate, before the livestream or watching the worship service for October 25, please have some bread (or a cracker) and some wine (or grape juice) set out (see details below). In Holy Communion, we acknowledge that Jesus, in his birth, death and resurrection, accomplished all things for our salvation. Being physically present in the same space will always be the best way to celebrate Holy Communion and Christ's presence with us. During these unusual and unprecedented times, we have the benefit of gathering via the Internet and know that God is not limited by space or time. Know that you are loved and cherished by Christ and by the people of St. John's Lutheran Church.
In Preparation for Holy Communion
During Holy Communion
During the Great Thanksgiving, the Pastor will invite the designated communion leader to do the following:
At this time, I invite the home leader to lift up the bread and wine as I proclaim the words of institution. After the Lord's Prayer, you will be instructed to distribute and receive the bread and wine saying: "The body of Christ given for you" as you give the bread. "The blood of Christ shed for you” as you give the wine.
Please know that if you are at home by yourself, you are not alone; the congregation is communing with you!